Korea and the World Economy

/Korea and the World Economy
Korea and the World Economy 2024-02-08T12:24:21+09:00

Aims and Scope

Korea and the World Economy aims to be a high quality journal of global standing. The Journal will provide a worldwide forum for the dissemination of policy-related research on the Korean economy within the context of the world economy. Although the Journal’s primary focus will be the Korean economy, it will also explore regional and global issues relevant to the Korean economy. Article will meet the most rigorous technical standards but should be accessible to academic and non-academic readers alike.. Preference will be given to articles which are policy-oriented. Articles reporting on research findings should be relatively free from technical material and discipline-specific jargon. Mathematical equations should be minimized.

The former title of this journal was the Journal of the Korean Economy. The title was changed to Korea and the World Economy since Vol.11, No. 2 (August 2010) to reflect the Journal’s plans to publish more articles on regional and global issues which impinge upon the Korean economy.

To encourage excellence in research published in Korea and the World Economy, the Association of Korean Economic Studies will annually award the US$ 1,000 Prize to the author(s) of the best paper carried in the journal during the preceding year.

Korea and the World Economy is a peer-refereed journal and is indexed in the Journal of Economic Literature and Korea Citation Index(KCI).


Korea and the World Economy is an open-access journal, and no subscription is required. For any inquiries or questions, please contact

Gyun Cheol Gu
Editor, Korea and the World Economy

Tel : +82-31-249-9452
E-mail : kwe@akes.or.kr

Current Status of Submitted Papers

The authors who wish to know the current status of submitted papers may contact directly to :


GYUN CHEOL GU, Kyonggi University, Korea
E-mail : kwe@akes.or.kr



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Web: www.akes.or.kr

회장 권원순


사무국장 김형건
